Monday, August 26, 2019

Immigrant Communities and the Trajectories of Othering Essay

Immigrant Communities and the Trajectories of Othering - Essay Example According to another of my writing pieces, the Social Security Administration affirms the illegal immigrants benefit American society. The immigrants pay taxes. The employers automatically withhold the taxes from the illegal immigrants. Lastly, the illegal immigrants buy U.S. goods and services. Accordingly, my other writing piece states the Hmong farmer ethnic race suffers from immigration hardships. Laos’ war-expelled Hmong people travelled around the world. The people suffer from not having a legitimate country. The U.S. immigration law favors the Hmong people (Yang 271). According to my other writing piece, immigrants do their best to be accepted by the U.S. society. The constitution protects the non-citizens. The dominant American population needs cheap labor. The constitution understands’ the plight of immigrants trying to escape from their home country’s life-threatening society, while sending money back home to their families (Mummert 7). According to my other writing piece, immigrants continue facing challenges trying to fit into American society. Immigrants try to be accepted by the new country’s residents. Oppression forces the immigrants to necessarily comply with the American society’s standards. The immigrants’ are forced to accept low wages. According to student Anna Sepeda’s research, othering includes affirming gender discrimination and race discrimination are realistically prevalent over the immigrant population. Sepeda correctly indicates immigrants usually start on the same footing (Mcintosh 91). Sepeda admits immigrants go through unbearable racial and gender discrimination in the new home. The immigration border patrol exercises selective race and gender discrimination. According to student Jake Helmandollar’s research, our nations’ immigration policies are tainted with racial and class issues (Clayton 261). Helmandollar affirms that the

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